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Making Your Boss “Work” For You

🦉 7 steps to turn your boss into an ally.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Theodore Roosevelt


Making Your Boss “Work” For You

Navigating workplace dynamics can often feel like a daily survival challenge. But what if you could turn your boss into your greatest ally? Yes, your boss might suck, and helping them might not sound great, but think about the big picture: a promotion, a reference, an insider’s perspective, a new skillset. Being your boss’s go-to can have a major impact on your future. It’s not just about avoiding conflicts or impressing them; it’s about becoming a trusted partner and positioning yourself for future success. Here are seven tips to help you master this art and get ahead:

  1. Figure Out What Keeps Them Up at Night

    • Every boss has that one thing that stresses them out. Find out what it is and tackle it head-on. If your boss is obsessed with hitting sales targets, brainstorm ideas that could help. Show them you get it and that you're on their team.

  2. Take Initiative, Don't Wait for Instructions

    • Waiting around for your boss to tell you what to do? That’s what everyone else is doing. Be the person who spots problems and offers solutions before anyone else. This shows you’re proactive and dependable, and it will make your boss's life easier.

  3. Understand They're Human Too

    • Your boss isn’t a robot (yet). They have bad days, stress, and personal lives too. Show a little empathy. If you see them struggling, ask how you can help or just offer a kind word. This small act can build a lot of goodwill.

  4. Keep Track of Your Wins

    • Don’t rely on your boss to remember every great thing you’ve done. Keep a running list of your achievements and subtly remind them of your contributions. This can be a lifesaver during performance reviews.

  5. Adapt and Be Flexible

    • Not every strategy will work with every boss. Pay attention to what clicks and what doesn’t. If your current approach isn’t working, be willing to switch it up. Flexibility is key to staying on your boss’s good side.

  6. Make Their Job Easier

    • Look for ways to lighten your boss's load. This could mean handling a project they hate or streamlining a clunky process. The easier you make their job, the more they’ll value having you around.

  7. Avoid the "Suck-Up" Trap

    • No one likes a brown-noser. Be genuine in your efforts to help your boss and support your team. Show you’re there for everyone, not just the higher-ups. This balance keeps your integrity intact and earns you respect.

It may not come easily, but by aiming to be a trusted partner to your boss, you’re not just enhancing your own perspective and skillset; you’re also paving the way for more opportunities. A better relationship with your boss can open new doors and create pathways to career growth, whether it’s a promotional opportunity, a stellar reference, or gaining invaluable leadership insights. Always think a step ahead.


This week: robots are performing surgery and scaring customers, and Canada says, 'Lose the collar colors.'



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55% of American workers feel pretty great about their boss. More than half! That’s a good sign, but if you’re in the other 45%, remember that perspective is key. Do your part to foster a positive relationship, control what you can control, and keep your goals in sight. How you handle that relationship can make all the difference in the opportunities that come your way.
Source: Pew Research Center

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– Joe