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From Hobby to Hustle

🦉 How one entrepreneur went from working a full-time job to becoming a creative powerhouse.


“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

Oprah Winfrey


From Hobby to Hustle

Ever dream of making your passion your full-time gig? Christina Umerez did, and her journey is nothing short of inspiring. While working a job that didn’t excite her, Christina began selling custom pet portraits on Etsy during her spare time. It wasn’t easy—balancing a full-time job and a growing business takes serious dedication. But Christina put in the work, and within a year, she transitioned to running her Etsy shop full-time, now earning up to $12,000 a month.

Turning a hobby into a career is challenging and doesn't happen overnight. Christina’s story shows that it’s possible with the right mix of passion, strategy, and persistence. Here are 5 steps to help you follow in her footsteps:

  1. Find Your Passion: What truly excites you? Whether it’s painting, baking, or coding, your passion is the cornerstone of your side gig. Doing what you love means it’ll never feel like a chore.

  2. Validate Your Idea: Test the waters before diving in. Share your work with friends, family, and online communities to gauge interest. Feedback is crucial to refine your offering and ensure there’s a market for it.

  3. Research Your Space: Look into other businesses or creators in your field. Learn from their successes and mistakes. This research can provide valuable insights and strategies for your own journey.

  4. Dedicate Time Consistently: Set regular time aside for your side hustle, even if it’s just evenings and weekends. Think of it as quality time with your future success—commit to it and watch it grow.

  5. Build a Loyal Client Base: Deliver excellent work and create a connection with your customers. Happy clients are your best advertisement. Engage with them, gather feedback, and always aim to exceed their expectations.

  6. Plan Your Transition: Monitor your finances closely and set clear goals. When your side hustle starts bringing in significant income, it might be time to take the leap. Make sure you have a financial buffer for a smooth transition.

  7. Stay Persistent: Every journey has obstacles. Embrace the setbacks, learn from them, and keep moving forward. Persistence and flexibility are your greatest allies on this path.

Christina’s journey shows that turning your passion into a profitable business is tough but doable. So, why not start your side hustle today? For more details on Christina's story, read the full article.


This week: a salary lesson from the UK and a small-town mayor reckons with the shift in the work economy.



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81% of 6-figure business owners started it as a side hustle. According to Luisa Zhou, a survey of 200 successful small business owners who earn six figures or more revealed that 81% started their businesses while working a 9-5 job. Over 33% cited their motivation as wanting to have a bigger impact and feel more fulfilled, while one-quarter sought more flexibility and freedom.
Source: LuisaZhou.com

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– Joe